Friday 9 May 2008

Its Friday, the weekend has kind of started and already, my pastime of selling land on Second Life has been bought to a halt by the inability of Linden Labs to maintain their systems to a level that allows players to log in, spend money and have fun talking and interacting with their friends.

It should not be that hard, after all, they have had four years of building a system and sunk countless millions of dollars into people and equipment, yet, somehow, they just keep breaking it. I do see them spending a lot of time money and effort into introducing gadgets, doodads and bling, yet not spending time and money actually fixing the broken parts. Introducing a new viewer update after update, (Dazzle: when all that was wrong with the old viewer was a memory leak and a a handful of minor issues. Winlight and Voice are two examples of wasting time and effort, and I am confident that if the resources that were used to hook voice, Winlight, Havoc had been ploughed into fixing the original faults, all would be fine and dandy. to see a crowded screen in Dazzle with no chance of seeing anything else, and this is supposed to be an improvement!!!

Today all I want to do is Log in. I get a message stating “Unable to connect to Second Life. Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong.” The message continues with, “Please check to see if there is a known problem with the service.” Sadly, checking with the page reference reveals the following message: -

Second Life Service Status

Second Life is Open

The Second Life Grid and the Second Life web site are open.

Even they do not know what the heck is going on.

I think if the business were any other, the terrible way the Lindens deal with their paying clients, their business would fold overnight, even Ratners never pissed of so many people so quickly time and again and survived. (COMPANY NEWS; RATNERS CLOSING MANY U.S. AND BRITISH JEWELRY STORES)

But the strength of their product is basically sound, sad they screw it up so badly, repeatedly.


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