Wednesday 27 August 2008

Incoherent Communications from Lindens Labs.

Seems to me, you keep asking for feedback from your customers, but you don't listen to the feedback you get in most cases. Example: Your talking about SL having a big outage for serious upgrades, you typically announce it on the block, and a resident, replies with "Woot, way to go LL!", this warm comment, though needed to be made by the author, and no doubt highly valued by the Linden Lab employee being paid by our subscriptions and fees to do a job, actually contributes zero to the communication and or the process of communicating.

You have a lot of very active, intelligent and serious players, many invest thousands of US Dollars a month in your business, they give you dynamic feedback gained from experiance , borne often from frustration and balanced with a viewpoint that your wage payers have a real issue with. Yet, sadly, "Woot, way to go Linden Labs" seems to get the benefit of proactive feedback and increased communication!

You have an active customer base, your product is, even with is faults, an extremely attractive product for a great many people, you degrade the quality of game play, you erode the functionality, you add more restrictions and you mess around with values and promises. Any other company would be losing customers like a plague was in town, but you don't seem to have realised we are still here, probably because your listening to , "Woot..."

Your Metrics are wrong. You are resolving the land sales market completely wrong by not including the right data in your decision process, I can prove it. Look at the number of sims that are changing hands at silly low prices, and or the number of mainland plots that are not turning over (churning) in a given period of time. You have too much land for the number of players on line at any time.

Your metrics this weekend said, '58,000' users on line... Its wrong. I visited one island with 40, yes 40 campers, all bots, all belonged to the owner of the sim... I went to a function, 50 plus people there, only one avatar was a real person, the rest, were bots. Please, tell us with some accuracy who is on line, ie, 3000 Active users with account info, 20 thousand Guests, 27 thousand concurrent registrations of secondary registrations. in other words, instead of 50,000, its actually only 3000, now that, dear Linden Labs employee, is a metric that would enable me to decide whether or not to have my land for sale at what price.

Communicate, yes please, communicate with real facts, yes please, communicate with honesty, YES PLEASE, communicate looking for adoration and congratulatory woots? No Thanks.

River Ely.

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